Right up there with learning to walk and a first tooth is of course, losing the training wheels. At the beginning of April I took Alexs training wheels off and you would have thought I took his foot off with them. Needless to say, he was not happy. Not the kind to pick a fight with a 5 year old, I put them back on. On Sunday we came home after lunch with Michelle and Mom & the neighbor girl, she's in Alex's class, was riding her bike up and down the street with no training wheels.
ANYWAY! Alex got off the bus today after school & I set the kids up in the front yard with toys so I could do some weeding (by the way, if you'd like to do that for me I'll wave the $5 entrance fee to the pool). Elena comes running over to me "MOM! Alex got dads tools!" So I go over & he has one wheel off & is working on the other. I asked him what he was doing. He looked at me and said "taking the wheels off mom" in that 'do I have to explain everything to you mom' way that kids do so well. He got the wheels off & asked me to hold the bike while he climbed on. I said I would walk with him & he told me to let go. So I did. Off he rode. I didn't even have to run after him.
I'm so proud! How crazy that he took his wheels off himself!
I love my grandson he is soooo smart!!! love to all
Welcome to the blog world!!! You'll soon be addicted like me! And be blogging from the hospital just after having surgery!! :)
What a little man! Could I get one like that about 30-35 years older?!? :-)
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